Scissortail HCM Video Demo

Scissortail HCM

Pre-hire to Retire

Scissortail HCM provides a complete offering of payroll, HR and time collection tools to meet the expectations of your workforce.

In this product tour, we will walk show you the features of Scissortail HCM.

While Scissortail provides a broad spectrum of options, you get to design your own configuration, selecting the features that are needed to streamline your unique operational requirements.

Only looking for Time and Attendance to compliment your existing payroll solution?  …you bet…..  We can do that along with tight interfaces your existing software.

Are you looking for just a simple payroll with base HR.  Of course… and  you can see that we have many HR options that you can opt-in at any point in the future.

Mobile Access

Scissortail HCM is mobile responsive and designed to adapt to whatever device (or form factor) you are using:  desktop, tablet or phone.  As long as you have a current browser, Scissortail will work beautifully.

If your policies allow, employees can clock in and out from mobile devices, as you can see here.  Scissortail offers both Geo-Fencing – where we limit where employees can clock using their phone, and Geo-Sensing – which is recording where employees clock using the phones GPS, to insure employees have legitimate time punches‍.

Employees can view, manage and submit their timesheets from their mobile devices.

If you are a manager you can also

  • Approve time-off, leave-of-absence, and schedule or timesheet change requests
  • Get full timesheet access to make timesheet corrections, review employee entries, approve timesheets, and manage your team’s time end-to-end while on the go‍

Requesting time off is a snap and can be done at any time.  The request is then automatically notifies the manager of the employees desire for time off and they can quickly approve or decline the request

Benefit plans and enrollment can be managed on the employees mobile device or home computer.  This allows them extra time analyze their options and discuss it with their spouse. 

Employees can view their payroll, manage their direct deposits and of course they can view their w-2.  Once they have their W2 on their mobile device, they can email or air-drop it to their accountant, lending institution, or print it for a hard copy record.

Applicant Tracking

Your firms’ first impression with a  job candidate is your website, which should include the ability for them to apply for positions.

Like Acme, here in this example, you can imbed the Scissortail applicant tracking portal into your firm’s website, with the style and branding giving your candidates seamless experience.  Full search capabilities, categories and location filters make it easy to applicants to a position that is best for them.

Each question for the applicant can be tailored to reflects questions that are specific to the position.  This makes the  process more meaningful for the applicant and streamlines the data for the hiring manager. 

The application process can be streamlined with LinkedIn integration and resume scanning.  Candidate will appreciate you making it easier for them to apply. 

Behind the scenes, recruiters and managers can quickly see the status of recruiting activities with simple, yet powerful reporting and graphical dashboards like this.  

Here they can see “Day’s open by Job Title“ or “Jobs Applied to by Skill” allowing the recruiting manager additional insight into the candidate market place.

Job requisitions are stored as templates allowing hiring managers to notify HR of a need in their department, quickly with all the necessary information at their fingertip.  And it is all done electronically allowing this requisition to push to the website and popular job boards with no duplicate entry. 

Tools like this heat map showing the location of your active applicants can be found throughout the applicant tracking system.

Automated workflows and notifications keep an electronic eye on  the applicant through the hiring process.  All notes regarding interviews are stored in a single location for ready access by the hiring managers and HR administrators.

All communications:

requests for interviews

no-thank you 

and offer letters

Are also stored in the employee electronic file along with the candidates responses

Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding can be a completely paperless process for your team.

You have 3 choices in forms automation:

First, Scissortail maintains critical federal forms for you such as your W-4 and I-9

Second, you can use existing PDF forms you may already have and add digital data elements from Scissortail to the document

Third, you can create your own form using the simple form builder within Scissortail

When it is time to bring the new employee onboard, your predefined checklist of forms ensures that all documents are completed.  Different positions may have their own unique checklist. For example, an employee that drives a company vehicle might have additional documents to fill out for their onboarding. 

New hires can receive the link to their employment forms prior to reporting day, allowing to them to complete routine or demographic information early. 

The employee, manager, and HR administrator will have full visibility into pending forms that need to be completed  -- nothing will be left undone.

Human Resources

Core HR, include an extensive amount of functionality including 

  • Base employee demographics
  • Tracking of assets issued to employees
  • Track disciplinary actions
  • Track salary adjustments
  • Track job changes and promotions
  • Manage all demographic information related to an employee

Leveraging the built in reporting and presentation tools, HR manages can get a statistical information at a glance with the ability to drill down on any graph to view the supporting detail information. 

Reviewing crucial information such as employee turnover can be done with built in reports and graphs

The screens within Scissortail make it easy for HR administrators to view and edit employee information in one central location.  Gone are the days of spreadsheets or multiple products to track employee related data.  

And…..Employee terminations are logged in the employee record making it easy to identify employees that are available for rehire and include them in appropriate historical reports.

Compliance Management

It is easy to meet all the governmental required reporting with Scissortail.  Accurate, timely reporting eliminates fines and minimized audits. 

In the HR menu, you will find a list of reports ready to be run and mailed, such as EEO-1, OSHA 300 and VETS-100.

The Payroll menu has key reports as well.

Let’s drill down on the ACA required reporting.

This Insights report show the summary data by month for ACA

From that Insights report you can drill down to any employee level day for inquiry or corrections. 

Once your data is confirmed, you can print and transmit your 1095 forms and, of course, your 1094

Performance Reviews

Timely performance review increase employee satisfaction and increase employee retention.  Scissortail’s paperless tools encourages timely completion in a collaborative environment.    It also ensures that all employees are treated equally during the review process.

Performances reviews can have unique versions for job positions, ensuring correct measurement for appropriate KPI’s.  With automated notification, managers will complete and conduct reviews on time.  Many firms have feedback sessions that are conducted monthly, with a summary review once a year.  You decide what aligns with your firms culture. 

Automated scoring is optional and can be included for salary calculations if you tie reviews to pay increases

HR Administrators have a quick view into performance reviews that shows them summary information that can be used for coaching managers in their review techniques. 

Both HR and operational managers can view employees goals in a graphical presentation which highlights areas of weakness and strengths quickly

Performance goals can be tied to a review encouraging employees to broaden their skills and will also focus management on employee development.

Employee Education

Employee education or training can be tracked within Scissortail.  They may be tied to a performance goal, a certification prerequisite, or company required routine education like CPR, harassment or industry specific safety training.  These tools will help each employee with compliance required education, minimize company exposure – for example forklift training or hazmat training and testing. 

Dashboard that highlight expiring credentials, education by degree, and skills assist in education requirements and tracking

This drill down Insight show education by degree and school for each employee.  This is perfect if you are looking for an employee with an accounting major for example. 

A similar Insight Report shows all employees with specific courses that have been completed.

Benefits Management

Benefit management includes all the features need for:

  • Annual Open Enrollment
  • Life Event Changes
  • New hire onboarding

All the tools allow for a paperless process that communicates all selections to payroll for correct deductions and to benefit carriers to establish correct coverages.  No double entry or reconciliations with Scissortail

As each employee completes their open enrollment the status bar on the upper left shows them their progress in the process.  Scissortail walks them through each of benefits your firm is offering.

The employee can ask Scissortail to compare plans should your firm offer multiple choices.  They can compare premiums and deductibles for example. 

The benefit census Insight report sums up for the Benefits Administrator and also provides a graphical presentation of key elements.  

And of course, Scissortail can product a Benefits statement for each employee to fully appreciate the total investment your firm makes on their behalf. 


Scissortail has the option of a fully outsourced payroll process.

For those of you who prefer to keep this internally, let’s step through the benefits. 

As will all the Scissortail options, dashboards are powerful for payroll administrators.  You may design your dashboard to your specifications.

Specific payroll information, both for earnings and deductions are held with the employee master record.  Job change history and tax information can be accessed from this employee profile view. 

The payroll process is documented and streamlined with this payroll Checklist.  Just mark each step as it is complete and never worry about skipping a critical task. 

Once your payroll processing is complete routine reports can be initiated and delivered to you automatically….like this payroll register. 

This Payroll Recap and Funding is a great double check for the Payroll administrator and accounting.  Client’s especially appreciate the general ledger summary and the rolling 12 month payroll view. 

Time and Attendance

Time and attendance is a core feature of Scissortail.  When an employee is added, they are automatically included for time collection and clocking as appropriate.  Same thing on termination.  No double entry of employee information.

This example of a Time and labor management dashboard (or TLM) shows key information related to hours by department, overtime and missing punches.  You can drill down on each graph to view the supporting information.

Clocking in and out is simple.  This screen show the web-punch option.  Scissortail supports web-punch, traditional time clocks, mobile devices, and telephony.  …..or any combination of these

Scissortail TLM provides allows employees to request time off electronically, then the manager is reminded to approve or reject those requests.  Once approved, the request flows to their timecard and the departmental vacation calendar for easy management of future PTO requests. 

Job schedules can be created within Scissortail with automated notification of schedules and changes to employees. 

Scheduling rules can be applied by department, job codes and work days.

This view shows each employee their schedule.  The green plane icon on the 27th show scheduled vacations and holidays. The red icon on the 28th indicates you are not scheduled on a holiday.

Kronos touch screen clocks are leveraged with Scissortail allow employees that do not have computer access the ability to access key functions at the clock…like Fred requesting a day off. 

Clock options include PIN, Biometric, Proximity, or Badges.

Employees can look up PTO balances and request PTO right at the clock.  

Of course, you may also allow employees to clock from a desktop or mobile device….or any combination.  The choices is yours.  

Succession Planning

Preparing for employee transition is a key task for leadership.  Scissortail leverages appropriate data within its single database to assist with succession planning. 

Employees may be targeted for certain positions.  Then HR and operational managers can leverage  reports and dashboard to tack succession readiness and risk of loss.

Employee Self Service

Employee Self Service is not a single or separate module within Scissortail.  Rather, Scissortail was designed for full collaboration with employees, managers and HR & Payroll administrators.  Every module within Scissortail allows appropriate employee security for information access and updates. 

Through the mobile device employees can access their full pay history, update direct deposit amounts and accounts, and view tax forms. 

Looking at employee access from a web page you can see a new hire checklist with instructions on form completion.  From day one of their employment, a paperless process and self-services is encouraged. 

And employees with limited computer or mobile access can use the clocks within your firm for access to key information. 

Amazing Reporting

Reporting with Scissortail can be categorized into four categories

  • Forms governmental reporting requirements
  • Dashboard reporting with drill down capabilities
  • Canned reports built from Insight Explorer that anticipate common HR and reporting needs – over 100 of these are included
  • The ability to create your own reports with Insight Explorer.  This reporting tool is designed for easy use by HR and Payroll professionals

Looking under the payroll menu reports, you will find categories like pay history and labor distribution – on the left.  Drilling down – on the right – in this example pay history, reveals all the canned reports.  Each of the reports can be run by date, department, manager and more, depending on the exact report and then those settings saved if this is a recurring needs. Like the menu on the right for the Benefits.  Here you can see canned reports, ready for use, such as ACA Audit, New Hire Status, and Year to date Amounts paid.

All the canned reports can be tailored by your HR or Payroll staff using Scissortail Insight Explorer

All the reports in Scissortail, like the one shown here can be viewed in this inquiry style, or exported to Excel and other popular formats.  This view or report was created with the Insights Explorer reporting tool.  Using the ellipses on the right

Will open up the Tailoring tools.  No programming skills are required.  Drop down lists provide the fields in proper English name for selection.  Just drag and drop.  

Artificial Intelligence

Historical reporting is always important.  With Scissortail technology we can leverage that history  with artificial intelligence for predictive planning.  You will continue to see part of the system development to grow exponentially.  As consumers of data, especially big data, we are expecting stronger analytical tools 

In this is a typical operational managers dashboard, he can readily see on a daily basis

Flight Risk or employees that may be unhappy due to performance reviews or salary based on geographical pay averages.

Overtime and pay issues let him know BEFORE he is approving timesheets, allowing him to make daily adjustments.

The 9-box view of his teams talent keeps him apprised of training and education needs.

Each of these dashboards allow you to drill down to the supporting information as the manager make tactical decisions. 

In the HR or Payroll dashboard, additional information regarding upcoming events will remind them early to review, via the built in education,  the year-end payroll and tax process or how to prepare for annual benefit enrollment.  Because the system knows when you do your open enrollment, the reminder will come early allowing time for full preparation. 

This drill down on flight risks for a specific employee, Sophia in this example, shows weaknesses in position and education, while her compensation is above average and her longevity with the firm strengthens her overall flight risk.  Now the manager and HR can look at education and related job changes to increase her overall job satisfaction. 

These graphical presentations by employee and department gives each manage clear insight into his department flight risk.

This drill down on flight risk show clearly some of components that AI used in measuring flight risk.  

Insights Alert allow you to create automated notification on any piece of data within your organization.  They can be as simple and thoughtful as an email to a staff member on the employment anniversary date.  They can be very tactical in nature, like notifications of upcoming expiration dates.  Or more strategic in nature like this example letting you know a flight risk has increased to a danger threshold.

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